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Happy Festivus: I’ve Got A Lot Of Problems With You People

Posted by Chris on 12/23/18 at 10:20 AM Category: Holiday

Happy Festivus everyone. It's time for the airing of grievances. To keep this in the spirit of our website and so we're not completely off topic, we will list our collecting grievances. but first you're going to have listen to my personal grievances. I've got a lot of problems with you people.

Personal Grievances

STOP ANSWERING YES AND NO QUESTIONS WITH A STORY! If I text you "do you want to share a pizza", and your reply contains more than three words, YOU'RE THE WORST. Yes and no questions are because a decision needs to be made, THEY ARE NOT AN INVITE FOR YOU TO EXPLAIN ALL YOUR THEORIES ON LIFE!

STOP ASKING QUESTIONS FOR WHICH THE ANSWERS ARE OBVIOUS! If I ask you for a glass of water, and you say "why", YOU'RE GETTING A PUNCH! I'm not planning to impress the Porky Pig talent agency by high diving into an ordinary drinking glass!

STOP BLOCKING THE ENTIRE AISLE AT WALMART! If it takes you twenty minutes to choose which high sodium, high fructose corn syrup, Dow chemical-infused, mass produced food stuff is going in your shopping cart, MOVE SAID CART TO THE SIDE! The next time I see someone's shopping cart blocking one half of the aisle while they ponder the existence of life on the other side of the aisle, I'M KICKING IT LIKE FRANK THE TANK!

Hasbro, I got some problems with you too!

Vintage Collection Grievances

ENOUGH. TERRIBLE. REPACKS. Repacks in and of themselves are not necessarily bad. The 2007 Saga Legends line was all repacks and it created as much excitement as the all new mainline. But repacking figures that already over-served the market is a head scratcher. The formula is simple. If Ebay and Amazon stores do not get at least the current MSRP for the original release of that figure, IT'S A TOXIC REPACK! Want to know some good repacks? THEY'RE RIGHT HERE!

STOP THE CARRY FORWARDS! Okay, you're probably saying "this is just like your repack grievance.” Granted it is similar, but it is different. It's a rarity these days that a figure fails to meet retail demand when a case initially ships. Bringing forward the same figures in multiple cases leads to staleness on the pegs. The pegs need constant refresh to maintain excitement. The solid cases available to e-tail are more than capable of making up for any demand that slips through the cracks at brick and mortar. And if that fails, then release the figure later in the year or in the following year.

ONE WORD: MORE! What we're getting is terms of volume of new and exciting figures, simply isn't enough. If maintaining two separate collector lines in different scales is a problem, the low volume of new Vintage Collection figures will fix that problem. Interest in the Vintage Collection will die out because there aren't enough figures to keep interest alive. You'll be back to one line shortly.

Okay, now tell us your grievances and then we'll move on to the feats of strength. This aint over until one of you can pin me!

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