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My Last Figure Standing Picks

Posted by Bret on 09/23/24 at 07:05 AM Category: Vintage Collection, Last Figure Standing

Sadly, I was unable to provide typical Monday content. More sadly, I wrote this Sunday night to replace the typical Monday content. Even more sadly, I didn't publish it properly, so we had no content yesterday. So now you get to read this nonsense today.

As usual, I was VERY BUSY, and I rushed my submission for Last Figure Standing. I had about 10 minutes to do it. As such, I'm not sure I fully complied with my own self-imposed criteria. I tried to think of this as something akin to this being my Last 10. That is to say, if Hasbro was only going to make 10 more figures before they shut down the line, these theoretically would be the ones I want. I didn't really execute this as I had envisioned, but it's probably not wildly far off.

Here's my 10:

Saw Gerrera (Rogue One) - I despise the 5POA line, but if I had to pick a favorite figure from that terrible era, it might be the Rogue One Saw Gerrera. He's now appeared in The Clone Wars, The Bad Batch, Andor, Rebels, and Rogue One. He's a fascinating character, and a really interesting design. It's amazing that we don't have him in TVC. And it's Forest Whitaker. It's a travesty. I feel that you can't fully tell your Rogue One story in 3.75 inch form without a proper Saw figure. And for the record, if I was limited, I'd actually rather have Baze and Bohdi to complete the actual crew. But I feel more confident that Hasbro will create those two before Saw.

Second Sister (Jedi: Fallen Order) - What I really want is all the Inquisitors. I think that's a really awesome "crew" that would look great as action figures. We finally got The Grand Inquisitor, along with Third Sister. So I chose Second Sister just to get the first three. But I want them all. Sixers have Fourth Sister and Fifth Brother, so it would seem to be possible we'll get those in TVC. Then at that point, we'd need to just keep going. My actual favorite would be Ninth Sister (also from JFO). That would be a great figure.

Padme Amidala (Theed Battle - Episode I) - This is an easy one, and a figure that may go pretty far in LFS. She seems pretty popular. Typically, I prefer debut characters in the line, rather than an update to a figure I already own. But the Theed Amidala figure from the Episode I line is woefully out of date and is probably one of the most deserving of an update. I actually passed on the 2012 TPM3D figure just out of general disgust with what was happening to the line, but by most accounts, it's better than the 1999 figure. Still, on principle, I don't want to own it. I want a full-on TVC update. Amidala is obviously a main character, so let's get on with it already.

Owen Lars (Episode IV) - Like Theed Amidala, our POTF2 Uncle Owen is just woefully out of date. While on screen only for a short time, Owen was a character that was absolutely vital to the overall story, and once we started getting backstory and appearances as is younger self, it seems a natural choice. My Lars Homestead shelf, focusing on the Droid Sale, is crying out for a new Owen. And of course, if Hasbro makes Owen, they have to make Beru. Her figure is just as bad, but LFS doesn't allow for 2-packs. LFS is unforgiving. So like Second Sister, I would think that an update to Owen would signal an inevitable update to Beru. (Editor’s Note: Mr. Nomadscout apparently thought Owen’s wife’s name was ‘Peru’). Like the country)

Theron Nett (Red 10 Episode IV) - Here's another on my list that is intended to draw out additional characters should he ever get made. I actually want all the pilots at Yavin. As we wrote about once upon a time in our 5-part feature about Yavin, Red Squadron has pilot figures (some perhaps a bit outdated, but still decent) for 1 through 6. Theron Nett is at the top of my list because we already have his astromech, for some strange reason. So let's get that pair together first. Then we'll need the rest of Red and Gold squadron from Yavin. And then the pilots that died at Scarif. Oh, and then Blue and Green Squadron from Scarif. And then we can get into the pilots from Hoth and Endor. Man, there's so much more to do.

Daine Jir (Episode IV) - Again, like several of the previous choices, getting a black-uniformed officer would open the door for more. I would like several named officers, but Daine Jir gets the nod here because he's the first one to speak. Well, that's not actually true. Lieutenant Hija is the officer that says, "There goes another one" when R2 and Threepio's escape pod is detected. But you can't see his face. So Jir is really the first officer on screen that you can identify. Plus, he's extra cool because he seems not to fear Darth Vader. I'd like Jir and Praji, the next guy to speak. I'm a believer that all speaking characters require action figures.

Fozec (Episode VI) - Fozec, to me, is the most prominent palace character that doesn't yet have a figure. He's seen several times in the palace, and he's also on the Barge. With our recent throne room set and dais, Fozec definitely needs to be present to help complete our displays.

Shasa Tiel (Episode VI) - Since we're getting Fozec (in my alternate reality), we need Shasa Tiel. She is the most prominent alien that still needs a figure. Again, we've got amazing displays with the Barge and the palace, so let's fill up the space with as many characters as we possibly can. Also, if we get Shasa, then maybe we can get additional Ishi Tib characters, and update the old POTF2 figure for our Home One dioramas.

Yotts Oren (Episode VI) - Another Jabba figure here. Since Hasbro FINALLY completed the prisoner skiff, it's already past the time where we need to get going on the second skiff. Yotts Oren is up first. Then 3 more. Once again, I would be hoping that if Yotts gets made, the rest of the skiff crew would logically follow in short order.

Unidentified Weequay Guard (Episode VI) - And rounding out the top ten is the 4th straight Jabba figure. This time, it's UWG. He's important for our displays because he appears on the barge, and is the character that opened the "window" on the side of the Khetanna, only to be grabbed and tossed into the Pit of Carkoon by Luke Skywalker. He makes a lot of sense to help complete the Barge, because Hasbro sculpted in an articulated window into the side of the Khetanna, so there has to be a figure intended to be in there. And this guy is it! Additionally, a nearly identical Weequay character is seen on the deck after UWG goes overboard. So technically, this figure is a two-for.

So there you go. While I'm not sure I really captured the "Last 10 Forever" that I intended, I definitely did try to pick figures that, if made, should trigger additional releases of characters that logically would follow.

Anyway, enjoy watching LFS unfold over the next few weeks!

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