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Batuu Canonized in Thrawn: Alliances

Posted by Bret on 08/02/18 at 01:48 PM Category: Books
In Timothy Zahn's latest novel, Thrawn: Alliances, Batuu serves as a major backdrop in early chapters. We know that Batuu was created specifically as the planet on which Disney Parks' Galaxy's Edge resides, but now we also know some canonical details as laid out by Zahn.

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Among the details revealed:

  • Thrawn met Anakin on Batuu, who was searching Black Spire Outpost (the actual village on Batuu which serves as the setting for Galaxy's edge) for the missing Padmé. In exchange for his help in finding Padmé, Thrawn, hailing from the Unknown Regions, requests information from Anakin about the Clone Wars and The Republic.
  • During the reign of the Galactic Empire, Palpatine sent Vader and Thrawn to Batuu on a mission to investigate a disturbance in The Force.
  • The outpost on Batuu is an ancient place, and the current village is carved into the ruins of older civilizations, and the huge trees that give the outpost its name.
  • 4 species are common on Batuu: Darshi (created by Zahn for the novel), Shistavanens, Jablogians, and Humans.
  • Black Spire Cantina is a place where Anakin was shot at in Alliances. Apparently, the blaster score marks on the wall in the back of the cantina remain years later during the reign of the First Order, so visitors to the Disney Park should look for that detail.
    (Read more from Attractions Magazine HERE.)

    Batuu is reportedly going to be featured in an upcoming series of young adult books and comics, Flight of the Falcon, which, you guessed it, is about the Millennium Falcon across the entire saga. Disney continues to weave a tapestry that tightly ties the films and new EU in a way that was never done in the past.

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