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Another Gap in the Vintage Collection Numbering?

Posted by Chris on 05/31/12 at 04:10 PM Category: Vintage Collection

Lets examine the last two case assortments that have have hit the e-tail pre-order systems.  I’m going to use Hasbro’s numbering because…well…it’s as good as anything else.  The fan designated numbering of assortments are not consistent from site to site and fan to fan as far as what constitutes an assortment and what constitutes a revision.  So I’m just going to go with the source.  First what has already been released in 2012:

Wave 1 - The Phantom Menace Wave
Wave 1.5 - The Deleted Scene Wave
Wave 2 - The Darth Malgus Wave
Wave 2.2 - The Dr. Evazan Wave
Wave 2.5 - The 2010 and 2011 carry forward figures (with most of the Dr. Evazan wave)

Out of those, the highest numbered Vintage Collection figure is Dart Malgus (VC96)

So here are what the next two pre-orders are (and I’m only going to include new figures):

Wave 3
VC97 - Clone Pilot Davijaan (Odd Ball)
VC98 - Grand Moff Tarkin
VC99 - Nikto Skiff Guard
VC100 - Galen Marek
VC101 - Shae Vizla

Wave 4
VC108 - Jar Jar Binks
VC109 - Clone Lieutentant
VC110 - Shock Trooper
VC111 - Princess Leia (Bespin Gown)
VC112 - Sandtrooper

So it appears we’re going to jump over VC102 through VC107 for the time being (remember this happened with the Dr. Evazan wave).  Here’s what’s interesting.  Coming out of Toy Fair, the Jar Jar Binks wave was designated Wave 5 by Hasbro.  The original wave 4 was supposed to be:

VC71 - Mawhonic
VC72 - Naboo Pilot
VC73 - Aurra Sing
VC74 - Gungan Warrior
VC102 - Ahsoka Tano (Clone Wars)
VC103 - Obi-Wan Kenobi (Clone Wars Armor)
VC104 - Lumat
VC105 - Emperor’s Royal Guard
VC106 - Nien Nunb
VC107 - Weequay Hunter

Obviously if this were still wave 4, the numbering would be sequential.  Maybe Hasbro rightly realized that the Walmart exclusive Discover the Force figures didn’t need to be brought back so soon since all but the Gungan Warrior are still in plentiful supply.  Hopefully this is just a temporary bump and not a repeat of the Dr. Evazan wave.

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VC328 - Mae (Assassin)
VC327 - Osha Aniseya
VC329 - Jedi Master Sol
VC - Jabba the Hutt Action Playset
VC231 - Stormtrooper
VC158 - Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot)
VC317 - Clone Commander Rex (Bracca Mission)
VC - Captain Enoch and Thrawn’s Night Troopers
VC - Garazeb ‘Zeb’ Orrelios
VC149 - Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2)
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