The Last Jedi



Info and Stats
5/10 Bantha Skulls
Review by: Bret
Review date: 09/12/2017

For a character that has no real costume changes, there have been a ton of different attempts over the years at producing C-3PO in 3.75” form.  Let’s see if we can determine where the TLJ version rates among them.

We’ve had articulation that ran from 5POA to SA.  We’ve had gold painted and vac-metalized.  We’ve had sculpts that we’re good and bad.  We’ve had too short and too tall.  We’ve had gold, silver, and red limbs.  We’ve had removeable limbs and a battle droid swap meet.  We’ve had light up eyes and a pull-out eye,  We’ve had completed and naked, both with and without snap-on parts.  We’ve had dirty, slimy, and clean versions.  We’ve seen him packed with primitive chairs, kowakian monkey lizards, back packs, and other droids, and coins.  Sometimes, he even IS the pack-in, and he’s been a non-articulated blob—-with electronics!

What do we get here? 

The good:  Nice sculpt.  Force Link feature.

The bad:  5POA.  Not vac-metalized.  No accessories.  No “action” features.

We know that Hasbro is backing off the vac-metalization process for various reasons, but C-3PO really needs this to, uh, shine.  Without it, his rating is going to take a hit.  While the paint color is decent, it just isn’t the same as vac.  Beyond that, there’s simply nothing here to get excited about.  It’s a decent sculpt, and it has the pretty well executed Force Link activation.  But other than that, I feel like there’s no value here, even at the “bargain price” of the line.  I’m going to give it a generous 5.

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