Rogue One


TIE Striker

Info and Stats
7/10 Bantha Skulls
Review by: Bret
Review date: 10/17/2017

One of 3 vehicles to be released as part of the Rogue One line that were actually from the movie, the TIE Striker is a neat film design, but does it translate well in plastic form?

The TIE Striker was the most visible new Imperial ship introduced in Rogue One, along with Bigger TIE Striker.  As a TIE variant, it fits in well enough with the OT aesthetic, and therefore was an acceptable “reveal” for Rogue One.  The toy, as is usually the case with Hasbro vehicles, hits the mark pretty well.  It’s a fine looking ship, in the long tradition of Hasbro TIE’s.

The vehicle has a cockpit hatch to fit the included pilot, wings that flex up or down two simulate flight or attack mode, and a nerf launcher.  This launcher is one of those things you’ll probably hate. It definitely affects the aesthetic of the hull of the ship, although it’s possible you could look past it.  I think that the vast majority of collectors would prefer to do without it.  While you can’t do much about the launcher, you can easily remove the Nerf torpedo racks underneath the wings.  There’s a step by step picture tutorial on how to do this in the gallery above.  But to summarize:  Step 1:  remove the racks with a small screwdriver.  That’s it.

The figure is what it is, a nice sculpt, that is simply and effectively painted.  The helmet is not removeable, he holds the blaster firmly, and he can assume a proper sitting position to fit inside the cockpit, albeit, straight-legged.  He also has a slight non-neutral stance, as his feet are spread a bit too far for my taste.

Overall, this is a solid vehicle.  The Nerf launcher is a little annoying, and the figure, while pretty good, is still only 5POA.  It’s a good effort, and worth a look if you like vehicles.

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