Vintage Collection


The Mythrol

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Definitive Status:  
This is the only version of this item you will need.
10/10 Bantha Skulls
Review by: Bret
Review date: 03/05/2022

Fun fact about the Mythrol species:  The character in The Mandalorian (who is nameless to this point) is a “fledgling”, which is a young member of the species.  He was created independently of a similar looking alien design which appeared very briefly in The Rise of Skywalker.  Pablo Hidalgo noted the coincidental similarities in the designs, and decided that the differences were accounted for due to age, and the “molting” process that fledglings went through before becoming adults.  Therefore, the character in TROS was an older Mythrol named Junn Gobint. [Editor’s Note:  Screenshot in comments section below.] The real reason I’m mentioning this at all is because the older Mythrol in TROS was played by comedian Jeff Garlin, known for playing the dad on The Goldbergs as well as Jeff Greene on Curb Your Enthusiasm.  So there’s that.  Now you should dislike TROS just a bit less now.

Oh yeah, this character is unnamed as of this writing, and so has simply been known as “The Mythrol.”  Knowing this, we can probably surmise that his Star Wars name is probably something like Ortahoi Z’nas, or some nonsense.  Star Wars can be silly.  For Hasbro’s part, they went with “The Mythrol” for the name pill on the cardback.  They didn’t consult Banthaskull.

The figure is just terrific.  The most striking thing is that it’s a brand new alien species never represented in the line before.  In fact, and I may be incorrect about this, but this is the first species debut in the collector line since the Nimbanel, Mosep Binneed, in 2015.  Yes, that’s 7 years since we’ve gotten a brand new alien species.  Insane.

Aside from that nugget, the figure itself is pretty great.  It’s got a highly detailed head sculpt with a likeness that seems pretty on target as Horatio Sanz in makeup.  The skin is a shimmery blue, with a lot of sculpted bits and paint details.  The Photo Real is excellent.  The only gripe I might make is that the skin is too glossy, and doesn’t seem true to the on-screen character, but it still looks cool to me. 

The body is sculpted well.  The figure is a tad portly, which is exacerbated by the bulky coat and jumpsuit.  The coat is vaguely reminiscent of bomber jacket, with the fur collar.  There is the full suite of Jedi Level Articulation here, which is probably unnecessary for this character, but I’m not complaining.  He can assume some solid action poses, but most importantly he can sit, which is something he does often.  The Mythrol did not benefit from the newer hip articulation that we’ve seen in a few of the very recent figures, but the ball/thigh swivel still works as you would expect. 

For accessories, you get the bounty puck with The Mythrol’s holographic face and status, which translates from the Aurebesh to, I believe, “Wanted: 7200 [Credits]”. He’s able to grip the puck in his hand, and despite the tiny nature of the base of the accessory, will stand properly on a flat surface.  Also included are the pair of binders with Din Djarin uses on The Mythrol when moving him from the cantina to the Razor Crest, and which are still worn during the carbon freezing process.  Speaking of which, it seems that carbon freeze technology advanced by leaps and bounds in a short period.  When Vader froze Han on Bespin, it was a test run for Luke, and he seemed concerned that the process might not work as it was largely untested on human subjects.  It was a great relief to everyone that Han was alive after freezing.  A little over a decade later, here’s Din Djarin, with a portable version that he was using like it was no more complex than a coffee maker. 

Anyway, Hasbro (and we) lucked out because The Mythrol re-appeared in the middle of Season 2 ostensibly wearing the same outfit.  So Hasbro decided to include the flange cutter (used for light plumbing and such) which he tried to use to open an Imperial base hatch.  He can grip the tool in either hand.  I also like to give this accessory to Kuiil, which seems appropriate.  And finally, the figure comes with an imperial blaster, which The Mythrol swiped off the body of an officer during the raid on the facility on Nevarro.  As this isn’t his own personal weapon, it isn’t annoying that he lacks a holster.

I try not to give out too many 10’s as ratings.  I caught a lot of grief for not awarding Bo-Katan a perfect score (strongly worded emails, Molotov cocktails in my Star Wars room, Saquon trade rumors…).  I almost always feel there should be a little room leftover for improvement, with rare exceptions.  This figure might not be absolutely perfect, but it’s close - and the fact that I’m delighted to have a new alien species in TVC gives me the wiggle room to make it so.  I grant this figure the rank of 10.  We need more aliens like this!

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