Editor’s Note: This first review [10/21/2019] is modified from the one written by Chris on 7/27/19 for the identical figure released as part of the SDCC exclusive Jedi Destiny 3-pack.
[10/21/2019 7:05 AM]
The last time that an X-Wing Luke figure was released was in 2006 as part of the Vintage - The Saga Collection (VTSC) subset. Even though that 2006 figure had plenty of room for improvement, Luke’s minimal time in the X-Wing jumpsuit throughout the trilogy didn’t have an update as a huge priority for me. So despite the fact that this is the only all new figure [Editor’s Note: this refers to the figure from the Jedi Destiny set.], it’s also the one that excites me the least (with the reminder that it’s relative). I’m thrilled to have this figure now, I’m just more thrilled to have the other two. Perhaps the biggest problem with the previous release was that Hasbro was still working their way through ball joint articulation. The knees on the 2006 figure have minimal range of motion. The articulation on this updated figure is supreme in terms of the number of points or articulation, the types of joints, and the range of motion. Additionally, the sculpt is finer, for lack of a better word. The flight straps are much thinner and less conspicuous, but that comes with a downside. I snapped mine while posing the figure. Thankfully, this is the one figure from the set that is already confirmed to be coming as a single carded release down the road, so I’ll be able to get a replacement. [Editor’s Note: That time is now, and here is the single carded figure. Chris is Nostradamus!].
The most obvious upgrade comes with the new head sculpt with PhotoReal paint apps. The old version looks ridiculous in comparison with the pointy chin and minimal paint applications. The PhotoReal paint applications make the figures so lifelike and expressive that I almost wonder if it’s actually a good thing. They look so much better than the previous figures with traditional paint applications that the old figures might start to stick out negatively in your display in a similar way that poorly scaled POTF2 figures do now. Please note that I said “almost” wonder. Hasbro should always keep advancing the realism on figures. It’s a good thing. And, no, Hasbro, this was not a call for you to re-release every old figure with PhotoReal. We’ll deal with the incongruity in our displays.
In addition to the head sculpt, the helmet is new and larger. I feel it looks much more realistic. Usually we complain about removable helmets being too big, but in this case the larger helmet absolutely works. I struggle to find a negative with this figure, so I score it a 10 out of 10.
[2024 Re-Release review published by Bret on 8/12/24]
Here’s a re-release that has only a few minor tweaks that may or may not warrant a re-purchase, but is nevertheless a welcome part of the most recent wave. That wave consisted of a bunch of A New Hope figures, along with the outstanding (finally!) Captain Rex.
The changes to the figure include a subtle dark wash to the hair, giving it a bit more depth, as well as some tighter (and some not so much) paint apps across the outfit. My sample had a better application of Photo Real, although the original certainly wasn’t bad. The “tampos” on the helmet are also very slightly different, but neither better nor worse. For me, the biggest improvement is that the visor is much clearer, while the first release is a bit cloudy. So when Luke is wearing the helmet, you can see his eyes better through the visor this time around.
The figure was incredible 5 years ago when first released in the awesome 2019 SDCC exclusive Luke Skywalker Jedi Destiny Set, which was then single carded that same year. Today, figures have taken a step forward in articulation, with the new barbell hips and rocker ankles being the norm. As such, even this figure may seem slightly dated by comparison.
The flight straps are still a threat to tear at the legs if you are overzealous in posing the legs, the pistol doesn’t fit in the hand with the tightest grip, and the left wrist has the undesirable directional articulation. Those are minor gripes, but the hips and ankles are definitely showing age already.
It’s a great figure, in fits in well with the other ANH figures in the wave, despite the negatives mentioned above. However, due to those same issues, I can’t allow this to maintain the perfect 10/10 rating given 5 years ago. It’s still an outstanding 9/10.
Since this was such a short review, here’s my favorite moment from the Olympics. Ridiculous:
[Edit: Eh, it won’t embed here, so you’ll have to watch it directly on Youtube.]