The Legacy Collection (Blue)


Count Dooku
(Holographic Transmission)

Info and Stats
Definitive Status:  
This figure has room for improvement and/or has a few minor flaws, but is close to definitive and worthy of display.
Suggested Hasbro Action:  
Resculpt (Negligible Priority)
7/10 Bantha Skulls
* Bantha Skull is compensated for any purchases made through these Ebay links.
* Bantha Skull is compensated for any purchases made through these Ebay links.
Review by: Bret
Review date: 04/23/2019

Another figure from The Legacy Collection’s (Blue) Repaint Wave 3.  Ever since R2-D2 projected the hologram of Princess Leia’s plea for help, it seems Hasbro went hologram happy.  Figures from all across the saga got the hologram treatment, with characters from Revenge of the Sith seemingly the most common source.  In this case, we actually get Count Dooku, who never appeared as a hologram in the films, but was shown as such for the first time in the Clone Wars Microseries.  In the Ilum story arc, the sacred Crystal Cave was the source of Kyber Crystals and the location of Jedi rituals.  The caves were attacked while Luminara Unduli and her padawan, Bariss Offee were on a pilgrimage.  The two Jedi fought off a force of chameleon droids inside the cave, but were buried in a collapse during the fight.  Yoda, transported by Padmé and her enterouge, went to rescue the two Jedi.  Along the way to cave, Yoda and (separately) Padmé, destroyed more droids.  After the rescue was completed and the heroes rejoined, R2-D2 managed to hack into the memory banks of a destroyed chameleon droid to reveal a holographic transmission from Count Dooku during which he can be seen giving the command to find the temple on Ilum and destroy it.

Dooku’s first appearance as a hologram when R2-D2 hacked a destroyed chameleon droid on Ilum

While this version of Count Dooku may likely be sourced from his Microseries appearance based on the release date of the figure, he appeared quite often in holographic form later in The Clone Wars CGI show.  In fact, he appeared so often in TCW in this form, that someone actually made a video of what might be every time Dooku was a hologram. 

So while he never appeared in the film, Holographic Count Dooku can be thought of as from either of the Clone Wars cartoons, and since it’s a realistically styled figure, I’m fine with that.  The figure uses the Evolutions (2005 ROTS “The Sith”) Count Dooku figure, but this time is cast in a translucent blue plastic for the holograph look.  So technically it’s not a repaint so much as a re..plastic…ing.  Dooku comes with a plastic cape, which is formed in such as was as to accommodate his hands/arms in a position forward of the cape opening.  Personally, I would perhaps have preferred a cape that was made of the same material as his soft goods skirt.  The sculpt is good, although the translucent plastic washes out many of the details.  He’s fully articulated for the day.  Due to the translucent plastic, you can actually see the inner workings of the joints, which is kind of cool, although a bit detrimental to the aesthetic.

In addition to the removable plastic cape, Dooku comes with a fully ignited lightsaber.  It too is sculpted in translucent blue, although it is adorned with the only paint application on the entire figure.  The hilt is painted a metallic blue.  I had a note in the old review (which is now gone) that an early sample of the figure was revealed, perhaps at a convention, and had a silver hilt.  That little detail seemed enough to spark a collector insurrection and plenty of nerd rage.  Thankfully, Hasbro brought peace to the galaxy by painting the hilt in a blue color appropriate for the hologram.

Overall, it’s a quality figure, as was the evolutions version of Count Dooku.  I’m not sure too many people were asking for a holographic Dooku, but that’s the beauty of the repaint waves.  We get figures we probably wouldn’t have even known to ask for, but help to fill out some gaps in the collection.  I’ll give this figure a 7.  It’s decent for what it is, although Dooku usually was in a very refined and neutral pose during his holographic communications, often with his cape completely closed in the front, and other times with his hood over his head.  This figure is really just a regular Dooku in blue, so it’s not a true representation of the character in holographic form.  That said, it’s close enough for a very specific character than never appeared in a film.  As for the non-holographic Dooku, that’s at the top of our PT want list for a TVC update, so Hasbro should get to work on that.


Count Dooku (Holographic Transmission) contains the right arm for 5D6-RA-7, who could be seen walking by the disguised Luke and Han as they escorted their Wookiee prisoner to the detention level aboard the Death Star.  Source:  A New Hope.

* Bantha Skull is compensated for any purchases made through these Ebay links.
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