Rogue One


Death Trooper

Info and Stats
4/10 Bantha Skulls
Review by: Bret
Review date: 12/23/2017

One more Rogue One basic figure is immortalized in the Bantha Skull galleries.  This one is the Imperial Death Trooper.  Although not as hard to find some version of this character in the 3.75” scale as it has been to find the Scarif Stormtrooper / Shoretrooper, Deathtroopers could still have been a bit rare in some regions.  I got this figure online.  I only saw the SA version in the wild one time at Walmart, and purchased others at  I did manage to pick up the 2-pack with Commando Pau at retail.

The figure isn’t bad.  It’s got a nice sculpt.  The black armor is nice and shiny.  The helmet is also sculpted well, and is well-proportioned, as often times Hasbro gives troopers a little bit of the pinhead syndrome.  This figure is essentially the same as the one that comes with the Commando Pau 2-pack, with the important distinction of including a removable tactical vest/pauldron accessory.  This is cool because it allows you to display the figure as either the basic version or the specialist version.  This feature was also available in the super-articulated version, so kudos to Hasbro for making this possible.  Paint applications are minimal on this figure, limited to some silver details on the belt and the grenades, and the green (it’s green, isn’t it?) on the bliar induction filters.  (Yep.  Google it.)  Also, there is a slight variation to the helmet paint application between the two 5POA figures, and the 2-pack figure has silver detailing on the shoulder straps.

The figure stands well, holds the weapon tightly, and overall looks good standing at attention.  Again, however, this figure screams for super-articulation, so fortunately the wonderful people at Walmart teamed up with Hasbro to make that happen.  As such, this figure is essentially rendered moot if you were lucky enough to find the SA version.  If not, it’s coming back in the TVC line, so there’s that to look forward to.  Fans have been hoping for the Shoretrooper to make a return via TVC, but I have to admit I think the Deathtrooper will look great on a TVC card.

The figure comes with a giant shoulder mounted spring-loaded grappling hook thing, also known as the GSMSLGHT.  This is an acronym that should hopefully be necessary only very rarely.  Unfortunately, a few other figures have this type of accessory, but it isn’t nearly as popular as the zipline.

There’s not that much more to say here.  This figure is pretty straight forward.  It doesn’t anger me as much as the Rogue One Stormtrooper, because there have been nearly 197 better articulated versions of that character.  However, the Death trooper is still new and not that easy to find, so this 5POA version might have to suffice as a stand-in for your collection until you are able to get sufficient numbers of the SA version.  Also, the stormtrooper comes with a joke of an armor accessory, that bizarre 3-piece battle damage exploding pauldron mess.  This figure comes with a screen accurate alternative uniform variation.  If you can find it, give it a look.

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